Medical Residency Programs
The program is composed of theoretical-practical internships in services and disciplines of the Surgery Department, in accordance to the National Commission of Medical Residency – CNRM.
Diagnosis and treatment of the most common surgical conditions and training to perform sub-specialties in surgery.
General Information
Number of admissions: 8
Duration of the program: 2 years
Admission process: once a year.
This is a Lato Sensu graduate program in the form of a medical residency. Throughout a period of three years, a training in integral health care for women is conducted with an emphasis on pregnancy and puerperium, diagnosis and prevention of female diseases, as well as training in gynecological and obstetric surgery. Students are provided with education on specialties, ethical aspects and service standards by SUS (Brazilian Unified Health System).
To provide resident physicians with training for attending cases of prediction, diagnosis and treatment of women´s diseases in all stages of life, especially during pregnancy-puerperal period.
General Information
Number of admissions: 8
Duration of the program: 3 years
Admission process: once a year
Over a two-year period, residents receive clinical and surgical training in all topics related to benign and malignant breast diseases, with emphasis on diagnosis procedures, surgeries and chemotherapy. This residency is also composed of theoretical training through discussion of clinical cases, clinical sessions and debates on scientific articles.
Training medical residents for diagnosis and clinical and surgical treatment of benign and malignant breast diseases.
General Information
Number of admissions: 1
Duration of the program: 2 years
Admission process: once a year
Hospitalization unit: 25% of the annual workload; Ambulatory: 20% of the annual workload; Urgency and Emergency, Intensive care unit: 5% of the annual workload; Hemotherapy service: 20% of the annual workload; General and specialized laboratory of Cytology/Cytochemistry, hemostasis, peripheral blood and bone marrow: 10% of the annual workload; Optional Internships: Radiotherapy, Medical Genetics, Bone Marrow Transplantation Unit or others, depending on the Institution. The workload is developed in a rotation system, in different stages.
To train hematologists and pediatric hemotherapists according to the criteria by the National Commission of Medical Residency (CNRM), with excellence to act in hematology / hemotherapy for children.
General Information
Number of admissions: 1
Duration of the program: 2 years
Admission process: once a year
The neurosurgery residency program at UFTM started in 2016 after accreditation by the Ministry of Education (MEC) and by the Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery (SBN). The program is fully implemented in the Hospital Complex of the university, which has all the human and technological resources. As permanent members of this medical residency program, we have the supervisor and 6 preceptor neurosurgeons, in addition to preceptors from other related areas such as Neurology, Neuroradiology, Neuropathology, among others.
Residents have close guidance from the supervisor and preceptors, with increasing surgical complexity each year of the program.
The general objective of this Medical Residency Program is to offer a service-oriented training aimed at instructing Neurosurgeons in theoretical and practical contents so that they are able to develop the necessary skills to use this knowledge in a critical, correct, coherent and ethical way. Such professionals should be capable of developing and executing programs of assistance, teaching and research in the Neurosurgery area. The Neurosurgery Residency program is expected to train critical professionals to perform surgeries and interventional procedures in accordance to medical precepts and norms.
General Information
Number of admissions: 1
Duration of the program: 5 years
Admission process: once a year
The medical residency program in Infectology is directly accessed, with no prerequisites required, and has a duration of three years. Around 80 and 90% of the workload is reserved for on-the-work training activities, while 10-20% of workload is reserved for theoretical-complementary activities. As theoretical-complementary activities we refer to anatomical-clinical sessions, discussion of scientific articles, clinical-radiological and clinical-laboratory sessions, in addition to courses, lectures and seminars.
This program offers the necessary and appropriate training for physicians to become specialists in Infectology. Complementary activities necessarily include topics related to Bioethics, Medical Ethics, Scientific Methodology, Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Participation of resident physicians in activities related to the control of hospital infections is recommended.
General Information
Number of admissions: 2
Duration of the program: 3 years
Admission process: once a year
This is a 1-year lato sensu graduate program on Fetal Medicine, in which resident physicians are trained in issues related to high risk gestation and fetal pathologies. Such training is carried out through consultations to pregnant women, puerperal assistance and conduction of ultrasound examinations until gestation completion. This residency also consists of theoretical training, with discussion of clinical cases and sessions, classes and discussion of specific articles on Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine.
To train physicians to perform prenatal follow-up of pregnant women and unborns at risk, emphasizing diagnosis, prevention and, when possible, the treatment of mother-unborn alterations.
General Information
Number of admissions: 2
Duration of the program: 1 year
Admission process: once a year
This program is accredited by the Ministry of Education and has all human and technological resources needed for its accomplishment. 1 supervisor and 12 preceptors are available and residents must go through mandatory training in upper digestive endoscopy.
To provide theoretical and practical training, in addition to developing special skills in physicians experienced in medical clinics.
General Information
Number of admissions: 1
Duration of the program: 2 years
Admission process: once a year
This is a Lato Sensu Graduate Program – Residency modality. The program is intended to train physicians towards the general assistance of children in all phases of childhood and adolescence, monitoring their development and growth. Residents shall experience activities of reception of newborns in the delivery room, shall follow-up mother and child in joint housing and monitor breastfeeding. The program enables physicians to assist severely ill children, offering contact with different pediatric specialties. Ethical aspects, health promotion and disease prevention are deeply valued.
To provide resident physicians with training to care for both healthy and sick children, aiming at the best conditions to achieve healthy growth and development.
General Information
Number of admissions: 9
Duration of the program: 2 years
Admission process: once a year
This program comprises theoretical and practical internships in different areas: nursing ward, outpatient units, coronary care units, emergency, graphic methods, hemodynamics and electrophysiology, echocardiogram, cardiac surgery, cardiopediatrics and pacemaker.
To train professionals skilled to diagnose, evaluate and treat major heart diseases, to interpret electrocardiograms, to perform ergometric tests, holters and maps, to critically analyze echocardiograms, hemodynamic tests, scintigraphy and other complementary tests.
General Information
Number of admissions: 2
Duration of the program: 2 years
Admission process: once a year
The program consists of theoretical and practical internship in service and in the Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging course, according to the norms by the National Commission of Medical Residency and the norms by the Brazilian College of Radiology.
The major objective of the medical residency in Diagnostic Imaging is to develop a training program for physicians in multiple sectors, stimulating knowledge and experience as to allow residents to know and to make use of different test methods, to evaluate standard patterns and its variations, pathologies, in addition to writting reports with opinion and differential diagnoses.
General Information
Number of admissions: 4
Duration of the program: 3 years
Admission process: once a year
Supervised training in Surgical Pathology, Necropsy and Cytopathology for physicians, in accordance to the principles recommended by the National Commission of Medical Residency – CNRM – for a medical specialty.
To produce knowledge and skills for the formulation of diagnoses based on methods used in the specialty (Surgical Pathology, Necropsy and Cytopathology), always considering clinical knowledge that are part of the general practitioner training.
General Information
Number of admissions: 2
Duration of the program: 3 years
Admission process: once a year
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