Health Sciences Graduate Program
The Health Sciences Graduate program at UFTM aims to develop creativity in the scientific area, as well as to expand and deepen knowledge in the following concentration areas: Human Pathology and Basic and Experimental Pathology. It also aims to qualify professionals for teaching and researching and, simultaneously, to make possible the awarding of Master and PhD academic titles.
I – To relate Health Sciences knowledge with other similar areas;
II – To foster initiative and critical capacity in the related areas;
III – To practice didactic training;
IV – To carry out research so that its results may contribute to the progress of science and may also be recognized by the scientific community and society;
V – To develop the ability to write, to present and publish research papers in scientific magazines and events.
Requirements for Admission
For the Master´s Programs: Undergraduate degree in the Health Sciences area.
For PhD. Programs: Masters degree in the Health Sciences area.
Post-doctorate: Doctorate degree in the Health Sciences area.
Lines of Research
The graduate program in Health Sciences offers more than 80 research lines, as it follows:
Alterations of basement membrane in adults, children and placenta
Alterations in organs used to indicate intrauterine distress in fetuses and stillbirth
Pathological anatomy of kidney transplanted patients
Application of General Pathological Processes in Paleopathology and Paleoepidemiology
Aspartyl proteases
Evaluation of the incidence, antifungal susceptibility and immune response to varieties of Cryptococcus neoformans isolated from patients with cryptococcosis
Evaluation of electrolyte changes in patients with marasmus or kwashiorkor
Evaluation of circulating leukocytes functions in human diseases – Sepsis and Cancer
Evaluation of nutritional status in undernourished adults
Cell Biology in oral cavity neoplasias
General and Oral Biopathology
Biochemistry of microorganisms
Empty scrotum
Characteristics of General Pathological Processes in Geriatrics and Gerontology
Laparoscopic Surgery
Development of new Immunotherapies for the treatment of Gynecological Tumors
Development of a bioartificial liver
Determination of serum and urinary levels of fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins in patients with AIDS
Intestinal Neuronal dysplasia
Chagas disease
Chagas disease, digestive form: megaesophagus and Megacolon
Hirschsprung disease and neuronal intestinal dysplasia
Sickle cell disease
Thyroid Diseases
Infeccious and parasitic diseases
Parasitic Diseases
Tropical Diseases
Developmental Endocrinology
Epidemiology of nutritional disorders, obesity, anorexia nervosa, dyslipidemia and the elderly
Study of the Immune Response to Gynecological Tumors and other locations of origin
Study of the Female Reproductive System Immune Response
Study of the interactions of acute phase response and nutritional status
Study of women with Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome with respect to anatomopathological, morphometric, molecular and nutritional criteria
Study of the tumor microenvironment (cells, mediators, tumor markers) in patients with cystic ovarian tumors
Immunogenetic study of cytokines and chemokines production induced by interferon-gamma receptor stimulation and human liver schistosomiasis fibrosis
Manometry study of chagasic esophagopathy
PHmetric study of patients with esophageal disease
Expression of IL-4 receptor and interferon-gamma in schistosomiasis cell populations with liver fibrosis
Pathophysiology of Arterial Hypertension
Hamster as a model in the reactivation of experimental Chagas disease
Helicobacter: co-infection with other agents of infectious and parasitic diseases
Immunology and genetics of the Immune Response in the susceptibility to human infectious diseases
Investigation of the cytokines and nitric oxide participation in the inhibition of neutrophil migration
Mechanisms and mediators involved in the evolution of endotoxemia and sepsis in experimental models
Mechanisms and mediators involved in the inhibition of neutrophil migration in endotoxemia
Mechanisms involved in changes in leukocyte functions after chemotherapy in cancer patients
Mediators and Mechanisms of Inflammatory Response involved in Immunosuppression
Animal metabolism
Multiresistant microorganisms in hospital infections
Experimental models in Chagas Disease
Nephropathology and Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Female Reproductive System Neoplasias
Pre-invasive and invasive neoplasias of cervix and ovary
Surgical Pathology
AIDS pathology and other infectious diseases
Extra Cell Matrix pathology
Breast Pathology
Pediatric and placental pathology
Active peptides
Health Disease Process
General Pathologic Processes and Infectious and Parasitic Diseases
Pathological Processes in Systemic Arterial Hypertension
Nitric oxide production in schistosomal patients with severe hepatic fibrosis
Protein purification of the macrophage culture supernatant involved in the inhibition of neutrophil migration
Gastroesophageal reflux
In vitro electrophysiological records in neurons of cochlear nucleus slices of the auditory system
Regulation of the Immune Response in Human Infectious Diseases
Transfusion Safety
Transfusion Safety: Evaluation of the physical and operational infrastructure of transfusion agencies in the state of Minas Gerais
Sensitivity and specificity of serological tests for Hepatitis C used in the serological screening of blood donors
Short bowel syndrome
Tissues: bone tissue, dentin and dental enamel
Hepatocyte transplantation
Female Genital Tract
Digestive tube
Ultrasound in Gastroesophageal reflux
Use of morphological and morphometric techniques for the diagnosis of pathologies in adults, children, fetuses, placenta and abortion material
Cardiovascular variability
Cardiovascular variabiilty and Neuro-Humoral Regulation of Circulation
Studies on vitamin metabolism in humans and animal models under normal physiological conditions or under disease-related conditions
Development, validation and application of laboratory techniques (chromatography, basic and molecular biochemistry) for the assessment of nutritional status
Investigations, in animals and humans, on the interaction between food, nutrients and metabolism
Coordination and secretariat
Phone: +55 (34) 3318-5154 or +55 (34) 3318-5176
Av. Getúlio Guaritá, 130, HC-UFTM - Bairro Abadia
Uberaba/MG - Cep:38025-440
Additional Information
Year of program Approval/Authorization: 1987
Conferred Title: Master/PhD/Post-doctorate
Type of Education: Classroom attendance
Type of Admission: Selective Process. Frequency: Every semester. Exams and titles.
City: Uberaba
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